What is CallShoot?

The Blog / updates

You've probably already read the "about" paragraph but I think it merits going a bit more in depth and explaining more about what we are doing and why we are doing it. The tagline says from callsheets to shoot, but what does that actually mean?

First off, a bit more about the team and by “team” I mean the two of us (for now). I’ve worked in production for over 20 years, starting off with event production and media services but then transitioning into live multicamera for music and theatre. That’s been peppered along the way with music videos, documentaries and commercials among others. Over the years I’ve learnt the tricks of the trade from some of the greatest and I’ve tried to streamline my workflow with whatever new tool has come out along the way. Gustavo, the technical co-founder, has setup many of his own entrepreneurial online projects (some of which are implemented on this site) and while being CTO at Gocertify he’s also the one that brings this site to life in his spare time.

So CallShoot is born from the desire to streamline processes involved in setting up and running a production. Instead of running several simultaneous documents the idea is to centralise everything and then simply export as and when needed. The core idea being saving time and improving the overview.

CallShoot has been designed to be modular and with time we will be adding new modules that allow you to do more. On our to do list is budgeting, location-talent-art scouting, call sheet generation and then in the not too distant future an online diary service for production crew. All of these modules feed into each other, again streamlining your workflow and saving you time.

In addition, through CallShoot we would like to help people who are just starting off find their bearings supply as much base material as we can. Last but not least CallShoot will offer a series of tools and tips to promote mental wellbeing in the workplace.

We hope you find it helpful and welcome your feedback and suggestions!

Christopher Woodhams Co-Founder @ CallShoot.com

May 21, 2022

Document templates

Most of our document templates can pretty much be used straight out of the box by simply adding the company and production title where indicated. Some documents will need a bit more work to adapt to your shoot requirements.

Extended NDA

An NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreement) would normally be the first document you get crew and vendors to sign if your production has any sensitive aspect to it.

Crew Release Form

The crew release is a simple form to be signed by all crew where a formal contract has not been drawn up.

Contributor Release

A contributor release grants you the right to use footage of anyone who appears featured on camera. This form can be given to, for example, an interviewee, an actor or a performer whether their participation is for a fee or not.

Location Agreement

When filming on location you will need to put this agreement in place.

Audience Disclaimer

When filming at an event you will need to let the audience know they may be caught on camera whether these have paid or not to be there

Public Filming Notice

When filming at a location that is open to the public you will need to notify any attendees that there is potential for them to be caught on camera

Accident Report Form

Log the nature of an accident as well as the events that led to it and the action carried out as a result.